Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Bertie and Sara

It made sense to leave Bertie and Sara without a family reunion in the same way that the schoolgirls were never reconciled with their missing classmates. But it would have been interesting to see Bertie learn of his sister's demise, as he was bound to once her death made the news and her name, photo and orphan background presumably would have confirmed the connection. It's not so much a chance to watch him wallow in his grief but see him grapple with the fact that his sister was a peer to the missing girls he had been so ambivalent about.


driftwood said...

I think movies are too full of highly improbable coincidences. Since this Bertie/Sara family thing wasn’t important, it should have been axed. I was a bit annoyed by it.

To do what you suggest, cl, might have been better. But I don’t think that ensemble stories are Weir’s strong suit. This movie already felt cluttered, I would have rather left the element out altogether and focus on the kind of development that kc found missing.

cl said...

I didn't like the last Michael-Bertie interaction, including Bertie's dream. I think that should have been one of Weir's cuts.

driftwood said...

Agreed. At least when the film was rereleased Weir understood that he should take things out instead of putting them in. So some of the problems in the film are just growing pains.