Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Fast asleep

How effective did you think the narcolepsy element was? Did it add anything crucial to Mike's personality? And what did you think of the way it was introduced (the highlighted dictionary entry following Mike's initial bout)? I'm generally not a fan of "extracurricular" devices dropped into a film as explanation, but my objection to that may not apply here since the whole movie is a visual pastiche that doesn't even pretend to realism, except perhaps to emotional realism.


Ben said...

The narcolepsy made him sort of helpless in a way and very dependent on the kindness of friends and vulnerable to strangers.

Putting the dictionary definition on screen was perhaps an easy way of getting around explaining it, but what it may have lacked in creativity it made up for in clarity.

Erin said...

I wondered if the dictionary thing was necessary. People know about narcolepsy, don't they? And Scott kind of explained it after Mike passed out at that woman's house, so I would have thought that would suffice.

I agree that the narcolepsy really added to Mike's vulnerability, which was part of what made him so endearing.