Thursday, February 07, 2008

Chattered out?

I don't want the film club to die an unceremonious death in the wild blog yonder. I don't want it to die at all! It's been tremendous fun and I've learned a lot and have appreciated everyone's energy and insights — and the sharing of films that it might never have occurred to me to watch. Alas, there's no denying that interest in the blog has waned, so I guess it's time to acknowledge that and lay it to rest. However, if anyone ever has the itch to discuss a film, please let me know, and we can revive the blog from time to time or discuss via e-mail. I'll be game!


cl said...

Thanks for posting something. I guess I'm chattered out for now, or would be interested in a less frequent format, such as monthly.

To everyone, I apologize for not keeping up with discussion. I've enjoyed this a lot as well.

Erin said...

I suppose this is partially my fault, since it was my turn to pick the next movie. So, I apologize.

If somebody else wants to make a pick, I'm game for another try.

Ben said...

I for one would like to start right back in with the same old schedule, but I would be okay with a lower frequency, if that's what everyone else wants.