Wednesday, November 22, 2006

And now for the men ...

Ivan. Mambo taxi driver. Ana's biker babe?

1) Flawed? (Too obvious?)
2) Likable?


george said...

I'll talk about the one you forgot: Carlos. I pointed out comparisons earlier that were made to his father, Ivan. But there was something to suggest that he's very different, and won't be the same womanizer as Ivan.

Ivan is known as a voice actor, using his talents to attract women. Carlos, however, has a stutter. Lacking his own voice, he gets pushed around by Marisa. And when he tries to act and keeps kissing Candella ... well, she's not exactly entranced. So he's flawed, but in a tragic way, rather than destructive way such as his father.

cl said...

Oh, duh. I meant to post Carlos since he's the deepest of the bunch. I wasn't clear on whether the tragedy of his parents' marriage would make him different or whether he was doomed to repeat the mistakes (coming on to Candela, choosing a fiancée as bitchy and bossy and his mother.

kc said...

I don't know whether I consider Ivan flawed or, on the contrary, the perfection of a type.

Erin said...

I loved Carlos. He's tragic, as George say, with his stutter and lack of backbone. But he's lovable nonetheless. The way he was ineptly kissing Candella was so sad and charming.

driftwood said...

Kc, I’d consider Ivan the perfection of a type. He will soon be on to his next gal and never look back. And he will feel no worse for the wear.

I agree with George and Erin about Carlos. This was the only male role where the casting actually mattered. The other men could have been played by different actors and it would have been much the same film. Not so Carlos.