Saturday, November 11, 2006

Christy's pick

I feel a little overwhelmed, selecting the first Cinema Chatter film pick, and I hope that a foreign movie won't turn off prospective members. But "Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown" is one of my favorite comedies. And my deciding factor was the buzz about director Pedro Almodóvar's upcoming film, "Volver."

I hope you, too, will enjoy heroic women, chickens, a mambo taxi, a well-deserved bitch-slap and a fumbling Antonio Banderas.

What to drink during the movie: Gazpacho.


kc said...

Good choice, cl, although I was sort of hoping you'd ease us into things with "Airplane II." I saw 'Women" shortly after it came out. I don't remember much about it, so I'm eager to watch it again. Did you get the only copy from LH?

driftwood said...

Ahh, this will be fun. “Women” is one of my favorite of Almodovar’s movies, but like kc, I haven’t seen it in a very long time. Gazpacho indeed. Too bad we didn’t start this a few months ago when I was getting good tomatoes from the farmer’s market. And then, perhaps, we need a bit of diazepam....

I’ve been less taken with some of Almodovar’s more recent work since it is often uneven with some brilliant bits padded out with, well, padding. However, I am also looking forward to seeing “Volver”.

kc said...

What the heck is diazepam?

kc said...

Oh, I see.

"Diazepam is an antianxiety agent (benzodiazepines) used primarily for short-term relief of mild to moderate anxiety."

I thought it was a Spanish dish with tomatoes.

george said...

Have you been studying your flashcards, kc? Or are you going to have to read the subtitles?

kc said...

I don't think my flashcards had translations for "desperation" and "who needs a man?" But if someone says "mesa" or "pantalon" or "vaca," I'll know exactly what they're talking about.

driftwood said...

Are we planning any set amount of time between the pick and the post?

(That is, can I get it through Netflix, or should I hop over to my local store?)

Noir Muse said...

A fumbling Antonio Banderas? I'm in. I'll be picking this up esta noche.

(and gnocchi for dinner too.)

kc said...

Yeah, I suppose maybe the person who picks the movie should tell us when he or she is going to watch it and/or start posting about it. Or should we just pick a time frame, like, say one week from the pick? Any ideas on how this should work?

Also, I believe Driftwood has the next pick, going in alphabetical order by user name (I think I originally said first name, but I think user name is more straightforward).

cl said...

KC, we could always go to "Cannonball Run II" ... Shirley MacLaine as a nun! Fantastique!

Or not.

Per KC's initial post, I thought we would allow a two-week period, which would be a week to find it (or have it mailed via Netflix) and a week to discuss. Does that sound OK? In that case, we could start posting on Saturday, Nov. 18.

cl said...

Welcome, Noir Muse! I told KC and Geroge that you would be looking for an invite ...

cl said...

KC, it would be fun to watch together. But I guess we'd have to wait until Sunday.

driftwood said...

I might watch it on Sunday as well, so do you want to start posting on Monday for this one?

Kc, I have narrowed my pick down to two. I'll watch them both on the weekend and decide then.

cl said...

I think a couple of us will rendezvous on Sunday to watch, so I'll start posting on Monday, the 20th.


driftwood said...

Very good. Shall our format be to have whoever picks the movie write up a little post that starts the discussion?

I’ll announce my selection when we start discussing Christy’s pick, and then I’ll put up my post two weeks latter. That way everybody has two weeks to find and watch the movie. If Sundays are going to be a common day for watching the movies, then maybe Mondays should be the target day for starting the discussion not that we have to be rigid about it.

cl said...

Good idea, DW. I'll put up a starter post but by no means will moderate the discussion. Anyone can post topics once we get the ball rolling.