Monday, November 20, 2006


I think "Women" has a lot of gorgeously shot scenes. Among my favorite are the tightening shots of Pepa pacing through the apartment, particularly the one where the camera focuses in on her feet moving back and forth across the floor. Did this or any other shots stand out for you?


cl said...

And I would add, anybody ready to post a new thread, have at it. I have some more thoughts but will pace them out over a few days.

driftwood said...

The apartment set was good and set up several shots. The one I like best is Pepa’s final return where she walks through and surveys the day’s damage and all of her zonked out guests.

And if you had to try and sum up the sensibility of Almodovar’s movies using just a single shot, could you do much better than the mambo taxi?

Noir Muse said...

I liked the studio set as well. For instance, the scene in the beginning where Pepa is doing a voice over and the actors on screen are falling in love over her shoulder. Nice parallel.

kc said...

I was really struck by the scene at the penthouse that we could call "woman on the verge of an orgasm," where Marisa is zonked out on the spiked gazpacho and evidently having some sort of sex dream. I don't normally go for that sort of thing — it seems so totally juvenile while I'm so totally mature — but I thought it was stupendous because the woman is so bizarre looking (a look that's exaggerated by her makeup and her cold-fish, to borrow Rick's phrase, demeanor), but when she's having the dream, her face is utterly transformed — softened into something absolutely positive and sensual. I went from considering her very weird looking to thinking of her as very, very beautiful in the space of about 20 seconds.

Noir Muse said...

kc, I know what you mean! I felt the same way - first she's weird looking then *shazam* ...beautiful.

Erin said...

This seems stupid to mention, but I thought Marisa looked a lot like Blossom. With the addition, of course, of that hard look that virgins have.

I will echo Rick and say my favorite shot was Pepa's return to the penthouse at the end. She takes it all in without a trace of bewilderment.

kc said...

Oh yeah, I can see the Blossom resemblance. Blossom's got it going on.

cl said...

Blossom! That's fabulous!

Didn't she seem different when she woke up, though. I thought she did.

Erin said...

I just remembered the other shots that really stood out for me:

The shot of Lucia's hair blowing as she rides on the back of the motorcycle to the airport. It reminded me of the Wicked Witch of the West on her broom.

And the shot of Lucia's disembodied head gliding by as she rides the moving walkway.

Both shots are unusually long and somewhat hypnotic.