The whippersnappers probably have never seen the "Sunset Boulevard" spoofs on "The Carol Burnett Show." It was a regular skit — and not one that I really understood or found amusing as a kid, except for her great physical comedy, although I'd find it hilarious now. We should try to dig up some of those shows.
The whole set of skits should be put together and included as a companion disk for “Sunset”. They could label it “commentary”.
Let me know if you find any.
G was looking for an online video clip last night but couldn't find anything.
(DW, what have I told you about periods and quotation marks? Your persistence in this folly is beginning to look more and more like stubbornness.)
Sorry, but I took one of those oaths to do the logically sound thing and not kowtow to stupid conventions and assuredly not if they are stupid American conventions. I will remain faithful to my life long quest to reform this society starting with its punctuation. I’ll win you over.
Regardless of his puctuation, dw has figured out how to use “smart quotes” while I only seem to be able to use "dumb quotes."
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