Monday, January 29, 2007

Sound effects

Did anyone else notice how great the sound effects were? In scenes where Mr. Incredible was walking alone in cavernous areas like the bank that Bomb Voyage was robbing, his footsteps were delicate, hesitating, and reverberous, and it greatly heightened the suspense of those scenes. Dash’s running made wonderful noises, like a hummingbird or a bumblebee. And I’m sure there are a thousand other effects that were just so appropriate that I never would notice them.


Ben said...

Doesn't anyone have anything to say about the sound effects?

Erin said...

I thought about the sound effects for about two seconds (after you mentioned them while we were watching), but then I forgot about them again. During that two seconds, they were awesome, yes.

Ben said...

Maybe one of the characteristics of great sound effects is that they are transparent.