Thursday, May 10, 2007

In media res

What did you think of the film beginning in the middle of things, with no prelude whatsoever? Havoc and zombies and crisis from the first minute.


kc said...

With no explanation — at any point — of how things came to this either.

Ben said...

I liked it. I like stuff happening, so I've always been a big fan of in media res. In some literature, I find it difficult to figure out what's going on, but in this film it wasn't too difficult.

Erin said...

I liked it. It works especially well for a sequel, I would think. And I enjoyed that there was no explanation. Maybe because I assume an explanation would be hokey.

cl said...

Hmmm. Hadn't thought about that, kc -- good point. I like the tension in the beginning scene where things were starting to fall apart, and I thought there was enough background chatter to clarify what was going on. But maybe Romero assumed, because his first movie was such a hit, that audiences would understand the premise.