Monday, July 02, 2007


And what was the importance of all of the harvest shots?


Erin said...

Well, I can't remember if someone said this in the movie or if I just read it somewhere, but I keep thinking "You reap what you have sown." And it seems like that relates somehow to the atonement that Alvin is making by traveling all this way alone to see his brother one last time.

Ben said...

That's a great point, and I think someone in the movie did say that.

There also might be an element of passing time -- his journey lasts through much of the harvest.

And there's a nice contrast between his tractor and the big ones doing the harvesting.

kc said...

The movie's journey is elemental, like the grain in the field. It's about sustenance, emotional and physical, I think.

kc said...

I LOVED the scene where it started to rain, and there on the horizon was a farm building for Alvin to park in. You could see the simple joy on his face — the elemental pleasure of finding shelter from the storm. He cuts the engine and lights a cigar and seems to contemplate his good fortune.