Monday, July 02, 2007


Did you like The Straight Story? If so, you are in large company -- the average rating on Film Affinity is an 8.0, and according to Rotten Tomatoes, 95% of critics gave it a positive review. The consensus review was “slow-paced but heart-warming.” Do you agree?


cl said...

Wow! Out the gate at 7:30 a.m.! I will watch it tonight, Ben.

kc said...

Ditto, cl. You can come watch it at my house if you want. I have movie treats.

cl said...

I found the leftover Reese's Pieces from movie night in my purse the other day and had them for dessert. Best candy ever!

Ben said...

Erin and I saw Ratatouille Saturday night and treated ourselves to Reese's Pieces and Hot Tamales. A wicked good combination!

cl said...

Co-workers were raving about how funny that was. What did you think?

Erin said...

"Ratatouille" wasn't that funny. I didn't find it much better than any other kid movies. I enjoyed it, (I even got kind of choked up at the end), but I didn't find it that funny.

As for "The Straight Story," my first reaction wasn't great. I found it pretty tedious and slow. If I hadn't been watching it for the discussion group, I'm pretty sure I would have abandoned it in the middle somewhere. I kept thinking, something interesting is going to happen here. And then it didn't. I have to say, though, I like the movie more the more I think about it. I'm reserving my final judgment for a while.

Ben said...

Ratatouille was okay. Not great, and I didn't find it as funny as some folks seemed to, but it was good enough.

cl said...

I'm giving it an 8. It was heartwarming and left me a lot to think about. I loved the cinematography and music as well, and the acting was stellar. I would give it a 9 but agree with you guys -- it was slow-paced, particularly the start. While I thought it was important to show how Straight's journey almost ended before it began (with the broken-down mower), the buildup just for his quest to begin was slooooooooow.

Because I loved the ending so much, the movie ended on a high note for me and influenced my final verdict.

Ben, as our moderator, what are your thoughts?

cl said...

Oh, but I should also add that I'm a rabid David Lynch fan, though this movie is a 180 from his usual dark storytelling. (In this case I was relieved that weren't dark red curtains, or appearing/disappearing white horses, or little men speaking in tongues. Wouldn't have flowed, you know.)

Ben said...

I didn’t like the movie. Since so many other folks loved it, I must be missing something. Of course, I’ve also been struggling with mental health, so maybe my reaction to it would have been different on a good day.

I thought the pace was excessively slow and I felt like I was just waiting for things to happen the whole time.

kc said...

I adored the movie. I found it quietly lyrical and extremely moving. Its pace, I thought, was an integral part of its meaning. I don't kow that I ever would have associated the word "slow" with it. I thought it was very lifelike — a seemingly uneventful journey punctuated with small drama and big drama and joy and pain and remembrance and everything else.